Pastry of Eggplants

Prep. Time: 2 hours         Difficulty: Medium


Makes 6 servings


To make the paste: -1 kg. of flour -8 yolks -250 gr. of lard -250 gr. of sugar -a glass of white wine -two spoons of pure alcohol for cakes -icing sugar -50 gr. of butter.

To make the filling: -5 eggplants -500 gr. of sugar -essence of vanilla -1 lemon -3 spoons sweet cacao -3 yolks.

Directions: Remove the peel to the eggplants. Boil with a lemon cut in two part. Drain and put into the sieve. Weigh the pulp and add the sugar correspondent to the half of the weight, a little cacao and essence of vanilla in powder. Cook over a moderate heat, stirring until very thick. Remove from heat. Cool, add the 3 yolks. In the meantime combine flour, 8 yolks, lard, sugar, white wine, the pure alcohol for cakes, water, until obtain a soft paste. Roll the paste out and make two discs of diameter of 6 centimetres and a thickness of 3 millimetres. Grease a pot with butter and put in it a discs, pour the eggplants over and cover with another discs. Bake in a preheated 240 degrees oven, until browned. Dredge with icing sugar and serve.

Enjoy your meal!