Cake of Meat

Prep. Time: 2 hours          Difficulty: High

Makes 4 servings


To make the filling: -1 the Kg. of minced meat veal -1 Kg. of sugar -1 Kg. of chopped almonds toasted -200 gr. of fusing chocolate -a little of cinnamon -12 white of eggs.

To make the short pastry: -1 Kg. of flour 00 -300 gr. of sugar -300 gr. of pork fat -12 yolks  –icing sugar.

Directions: Combine yolks, flour, sugar and the fused pork fat. Work with the hands, on a marble base sprinkle of flour, roll the dough out. In the meantime keep on the heat for some minutes the pot with the meat, the sugar, the almonds, the chocolate, the cinnamon and the white of eggs, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stuffed short pastry, close in the shape of average moon. Bake in a preheated 180 degrees oven for 15 minutes. Cool and serve in a serving platters, dredge with icing sugar.

Enjoy your meal!