Salad of Chicken

Prep. Time: 25 minutes     Difficulty: Low

  Makes 4 servings

Ingredients: -3 chests of chicken -375 ml. of mayonnaise -a lot of celery -100 gr. of Swiss cheese -100 gr. of walnuts -4 drops of Worcestershire -salt and pepper -1/2 glass of white wine.

Directions: Cut the chicken and the Swiss cheese to the Julienne and put it in a container. Wash and diced the celery, set aside the leaf for decoration, and add to the chicken and the cheese. Add the mayonnaise and stir. Pour the wine and the drops of Worcestershire with a little salt and pepper. Put the salad on dish and decorate with the walnuts skinless and the leaf of celery. Cool and serve.

Enjoy your meal!